The trip code is recorded when it stays for more than 4 hours.
When you stay in a place for more than 4 hours while opening an itinerary card on your cell phone, the system automatically records it as a pass-by or visit. The trip code provides access to an individual's domestic and international trips within the previous 14 days. It is accurate to Chinese provinces and foreign countries. cities visited after 14 days will not be shown (results may be delayed by one day).
Be sure to show your health code and itinerary when you go out during the outbreak, this is to see which areas the user has visited in the last 14 days. The main reason for this is the density and mobility of people, and if there is a confirmed case, they can also ascertain if they were in the same place as such a person, based on their itinerary.?
But some people's trip codes haven't eliminated previous trips after 14 days, which could be from having been to a medium to high-risk area, so there's probably a delay of about a day or so, and generally it stops showing up after 15 days; it could also be caused by a lack of updating, which would just require going back in to update the trip.
Principle of the trip code
The trip code analyzes the signaling data of the user's cell phone, and then obtains the location of the base station to which the user's cell phone is connected, so you have been to which cities, the cell phone as long as the state of the phone is on will connect to the nearby base station, and the operator will be able to analyze the data of the base station to query the trajectory of your trip, and then upload the data to the trip code system. uploaded into the trip code system.
The new version of the travel code is renamed Communications Big Data Travel Card, and when you open the Alipay Health Code page, you will be prompted to associate the user's cell phone number, and then agree to query the travel track of the areas you have visited within 14 days.
The trip code plays a crucial role in accurate prevention and control and traceability, using digital means to analyze the trip path, can accurately exclude the associated people and areas to achieve dynamic zero.