1, first of all, in the phone click on the top right corner of WeChat plus sign, scanning, scanning trip code.
2, enter the cell phone number, click to get the verification code, from the information to find the verification code to enter.
3, check the box to agree and authorize the operator to query the information of the place I visited within 14 days during the epidemic, click on the query.
4. Finally, view the Communications Big Data trip card, which will show you where you arrived or traveled within the previous 14 days.
Expand your knowledge
1. Enter the HealthCode service
Search for local HealthCode applets, and click to enter the HealthCode program in the search results.
2. Tap Sweep Place Code
After getting your own health code, tap Sweep Place Code below the health QR code.
3. Scan the code with your phone
After entering the scanning page, point your phone's camera at the code and scan it.
4. Successfully get the trip code
After scanning successfully, you can get your own trip code, and you can also see the cities that you have reached or traveled through in the previous 14 days.