The lumbar muscle has several pieces, he is the lumbar activity of the power to protect and maintain balance. Ordinary lumbar spondylosis patients are mostly chronic strain, cold caused by lumbar spondylosis, are the first to involve the muscles and then after the emergence of osteoarthropathy. When the muscle long-term tension or repeated cold and spasm, local blood circulation is not good, resulting in a large number of to the accumulation of pain in the local material, muscle power balance is affected, over time lumbar instability (habitual flashback), osteophytes, lumbar intervertebral disc herniation and a series of problems. The role of waist corset is to fix the lumbar activity (reduce lumbar load) and increase lumbar strength. However, waist corset should not be worn for a long period of time, as it will make the lumbar region dependent and make the lumbar region even more powerless. Generally speaking, ordinary patients with lumbar spondylosis in the condition is not very serious situation is not necessary to bring, the key is to prevent, acute episodes can wear a waist cuff. As for those on the market at present, the name of a variety of waist cushions, I do not know whether there is really efficacy, I do not believe.
The prevention of lumbar spondylosis pay attention to a few points, do not get cold, do not strain, do not twist the waist, long-term sleep hard board bed.