AVX is not an extended instruction set of x86 CPU, which can achieve higher efficiency, better compatibility with CPU hardware and enough expansion space, all of which are related to its brand-new command format system. A smoother architecture is the development direction of AVX, in other words, to get rid of the shortcomings of traditional x86. On the basis of SSE instruction, AVX also makes SSE instruction interface easier to use.
For AVX's latest command coding system, Intel also gave a more detailed introduction, including the possibility of greatly expanding the instruction set. For example, Sandy Bridge brings dual instruction support with multiplication.
Therefore, it is easier to extend 5 12 bits and 1024 bits. The Menikoacpu "Larrabee (Larrabe)" processor launched in late 2008 and 2009 will adopt the AVX instruction set. From the current situation, AVX has also opened a new chapter in the Intel processor instruction set.