hcip's exam content includes network basics, switch and router principles, TCP/IP protocol cluster, routing protocols, access control, eSight, AgileController product introduction, SDN, VXLAN, NFV basics, PDIOI, OSPF special area principles and configuration, etc., the exam questions are single choice, The exam questions are single choice, multiple choice, judgment.
Hcip test how many
Hcip's different directions need to take a different number of subjects, such as routing and switching direction and the storage direction of the exam need to take three, while the transmission, access, big data and other directions only one, if you hold the same level as the Cisco level or above the level of the certificate, then the corresponding direction only need to take one. The Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco
Hcip Exam Costs
hcip exams are divided into many different directions, the direction of the different exams are not the same cost, for example: digital communication direction of the exam costs $ 480, security direction of the exam costs $ 480, WLAN direction of the exam costs $ 600, the direction of the Internet of Things exam costs $ 300. The cost of the exam for the IoT direction is $300.