1 TB = 1,024 GB = 1,048,576 MB
1 PB = 1,024 TB = 1,048,576 GB
1 EB = 1,024 PB = 1,048,576 TB
1 ZB = 1,024 EB = 1. 048,576 PB
1 YB = 1,024 ZB = 1,048,576 EB
1 BB = 1,024 YB = 1,048,576 ZB
1 NB = 1,024 BB = 1,048,576 YB
1 DB = 1,024 NB = 1,048,576 BB<
This is a conversion, the data reaches the petabyte level, it becomes difficult to deal with, so now a lot of research in this area,
Taobao every year the data generated by at least the petabyte above.
The processing of big data is very important for the future.
Big data processing is very important for the future.