Guangzhou Yike Big Data Technology Co., Ltd. is other limited liability company registered in Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province on 2017-02-15, the registered address is located in Room 301-A2, Building 1, No. 16, Keyun Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City (office use only).
Guangzhou Yike Big Data Technology Co., Ltd.'s unified social credit code/registration number is 91440101MA59JE6A6B, the enterprise's legal person Wang Hao, the enterprise is currently in the state of opening.
Guangzhou Yike Big Data Technology Co., Ltd.'s business scope is: software development; data processing and storage services; information technology consulting services; information systems integration services; computer wholesale; computer parts and accessories wholesale; software wholesale; computer retail; computer parts and accessories retail; software retail;.
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