Drug Name Generic Name: Da Shanzha Pills Trade Name: Da Shanzha Pills English Name: Chinese Pinyin: dashanzhawan
Prescription Type This product is an over-the-counter medicine.
Ingredients Hawthorn, six Shenquan (bran fried), malt (fried). Excipients are honey and sucrose as excipients.
Properties This product is brown-red or brown honey pill; taste sour, sweet.
Class of action This product is a non-prescription drug of injured food.
Indications Appetizing and digestion. For loss of appetite, indigestion.
Specifications Each pill weighs 9 grams
Dosage Oral, one time l ~ 2 pills, 1 ~ 3 times a day; pediatric discretion.
Adverse effects
Precautions 1. Pregnant women should be cautious. 2. Do not use for indigestion with cold spleen and stomach and without stagnation. 3. Take it according to the dosage, and children should take it under the guidance of physician. 4. Prohibit the use of the medicine when its properties have changed. 5. Children must be used under adult supervision. 6. Keep this medicine out of the reach of children. 7. If you are taking other medicines, please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product. 8. Wax skin and plastic shell should be removed before taking; this product cannot be swallowed as a whole pill. 9. If the symptoms are not relieved after 3 days of taking the medicine, you should go to the hospital.
Drug interactions may occur if used concurrently with other drugs, please consult your physician or pharmacist for details.
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