1, the credit card is a credit card, the credit card will leave a stain on the credit card report, in this case, in addition to can not continue to use the credit card, the application for other credit card products will also be affected, may be the lender refused to lend money.
But the fact is that the newest addition to the list, the newest addition to the list, is the newest addition to the list.
2, will be the platform to collect flowers once overdue, the platform will be by phone or text message to remind as soon as possible to pay back, collection is every loan institutions for overdue will take action.
But under normal circumstances, you will only be contacted to collect the money, because of the compliance requirements, the regular lending institutions will not harass the family or friends, do not worry too much about this.
3. The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money from the government, and then you have to pay a lot of money for it.
When you finally settle the overdue debt, you need to settle the penalty interest incurred as well, otherwise there will still be the problem of unsettled debt.
4, the loan contract will be terminated early if the overdue time is longer, and not as soon as possible to take the initiative to end the overdue debt of the will, Alipay will be according to the loan contract above the agreement to terminate the loan contract early, requiring early closure of the loan, which will directly increase the repayment of the pressure.
5, maliciously late will be prosecuted for example, obviously have the ability to repay, but still deliberately default on the loan, in this case Alipay in order to maintain their own rights and interests, will be through the legal channels to solve the debt problem, will be prosecuted.
But under normal circumstances Alipay will not prosecute, but just in case, if you really can not repay the loan should also actively communicate with Alipay, do not dodge the debt responsibility, to Alipay left a bad impression.
6, the quota will be reduced or frozen loan overdue indicate that the risk is rising, paypal in order to not let the risk of further expansion, will reduce the amount of chanting or frozen credit limit, in the future want to continue to use chanting will be more difficult.
7, Sesame will be lowered Sesame is an important indicator of Alipay's evaluation of the qualifications, if the flowers are overdue, it will directly lead to Sesame, if the Sesame is lower than a certain level, it will affect the use of Alipay's other functions.
For example, when the sesame score is lower than 600, you may not be able to continue to use the credit products such as Chanting, Spare Money, and Online Business Loan, which may bring a relatively large impact.
8, the impact of the online loan data, after the late payment of flowers, Alipay to take some measures to the online loan data will have a bad influence, online loan data is destroyed, go to other platforms to apply for loans will also be affected.
These are the most important things you can do for your business, and the most important thing you can do for your business is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing.
While a lot of online lenders are not creditworthy, every lending platform has its own third-party big data credit platform, and if you're late or don't pay, the third-party platform will leave a record, and you'll be able to apply for a loan on a different lending platform, and it will be hard to get through. You can get a big data report on "Kingfisher Data" to keep track of your big data status, which is a big data query system for online lending, providing accurate and complete data information for online lending applicants.
Expanded information:
Does frequent use of Chanting affect CPF loans?
The frequent use of Chanting will result in a large number of Chanting borrowing records in the credit score, but these records are normal credit information and will not affect the user's application for a CPF loan.
On the other hand, it's a good idea to keep a close eye on the market, as it's a good idea to keep a close eye on the market, as it's a good idea to keep a close eye on the market.
So, as long as the loan is not affecting the creditworthiness of the individual, the user can normally apply for other loans, and the borrowing record of the loan is conducive to the bank's better evaluation of the user.