Does anyone know anything about graph computing? What are the relevant research organizations?
Traditional graph computation tools are broadly categorized into the following types Graph databases: ArangoDB, Amazon Neptune, Neo4j, Orient DB, Dgraph, FlockDB Graph analytics platforms: TigerGraph, BigGraph Graph computation engines: GraphX, Giraph In traditional graph computation scenarios. In traditional graph computing scenarios, the following problems are often encountered- Graph computing problems are very complex, with various computation modes and fragmented solutions. - Graph computation is difficult to learn, costly, and has a high threshold. - The scale and data volume of graphs are large, and the computation is complicated and inefficient. Based on the above problems, Alibaba Dharma Academy developed GraphScope (one-stop graph computing platform). It provides a one-stop solution for the challenges of graph computation in actual production. Currently its code has been open-sourced on Github. Developers can visit Github/alibaba/GraphScope to use