March 21 is the 22nd World Sleep Day. The data of "2021 White Paper on Exercise and Sleep" released by China Sleep Research Society and other organizations show that more than 300 million people in China have sleep disorders at the moment. The demand for sleep products is therefore huge. Ai Media Consulting data show that in 2021, the national willingness to consider and purchase sleep aid products is high, reaching 40.36%.
One of the most serious diseases of sleep disorders is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)? , a disorder in which patients periodically experience partial or complete upper airway obstruction during sleep, characterized by apnea and hypoventilation.
The Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology describes that the total prevalence of OSA in Chinese adults is 3.93%, with males being 2.62 times more likely than females, and that there is a significant increase in the number of perioperative complications and mortality rates for patients with OSA, which should be classified as high-risk for anesthesia.
Liu Ding, General Manager of ResMed China, a brand in the field of sleep and respiration, revealed that Lancet Respir Med's 2019 report "Obstructive Sleep Apnea and the Global Economic Burden" shows that the number of people suffering from OSA in China has reached 176 million, ranking first in the world, and more than 66 million of them need active treatment. More than 66 million of them require active treatment. However, the detection rate of OSA in China is low, at around 1%.
And in the group of people suffering from OSA, the trend of youthfulness is getting more serious, and there are even a lot of pre-school children suffering from OSA. Amazfit MiData survey shows that the insomnia population is increasing in 2021, with the proportion of frequent insomnia increasing to 36.1%, and the proportion of insomnia in the post-1990s increasing to ?36.7%.
The role of sleep on chronic diseases can not be ignored. "The biggest impact of OSA on patients is to reduce blood oxygen, which leads to ischemia in various organs, mainly the brain." Liu Ding said to the intermittent hypoxia will be involved in the process of tumor metabolism, proliferation apoptosis and angiogenesis and other processes of development through multiple pathways such as increasing the frequency of gene mutations, promoting the proliferation of endothelial cells, and stimulating the generation of reactive free radicals.
The Chinese Journal of Circulation has revealed data that Spanish scholars of 4,910 cases of obstructive sleep apnea patients tracked for an average of 4.5 years showed that the incidence of tumors is independently associated with 90% of the nighttime time oxygen saturation time (TS90%). And in hypertension, heart failure, coronary heart disease, pulmonary hypertension, atrial fibrillation, stroke and other cardiovascular disease patients is 40% to 80% combined obstructive sleep apnea.
Liu Ding said, sleep-related diseases are relatively invisible, compared to tumors, diabetes and other common diseases, both at the level of public attention or in the medical industry related to epidemiological research are relatively few. However, in recent years, the public's awareness of sleep is slowly increasing, and the National Health Commission and other official departments are gradually paying attention to the awareness of sleep health and sleep hygiene. Internet business consulting platform Head Leopard Research Institute published the "2020 China Sleep Economy Industry Short Report" shows that by 2024, the sleep industry can reach 550 billion.
Liu Ding introduced to the sleep products are mainly divided into three categories, the first category is sleep-related consumer products, such as pillows, mattresses and so on. But these products can only play a supporting role, and not directly linked to OSA, and can not treat the disease. The second category is sleep monitoring products, such as wearable bracelets, watches, etc.; the third category is through the national medical device registration, recognized by the state medical device products.
In addition, the interface news reporter found that there are some commercial organizations to app way to profit. There are several digital therapies in the field of sleep, and such therapies also need to go through the steps of research and development, clinical trials, and market access licenses like a drug before they can be sold and used.
But one thing that cannot be ignored is that the demand for sleep-related products is growing too fast, and businesses are "flocking to the market", and there are some mixed results on the market. Ali Health Research Institute's latest data show that in the Tmall platform, the annual turnover of sleep instruments increased by 914% year-on-year. Tmall health data show that the number of 90 after the purchase of stop snoring instrument turnover year-on-year growth of nearly seventy percent, of which, the third-tier cities have the highest turnover growth, reaching 120%.
In Taobao search can be found, and "snoring" related keywords are "artifacts" and so on, such as "sealing artifacts", in order to let the mouth closed way! "Solve" the problem of snoring, Velcro anti-open mouth, anti-snoring stickers, anti-snoring clips, anti-snoring braces, etc. However, these so-called "miracle weapon" is not the same as "snoring". However, these so-called "magic weapon" is not all authoritative certification, recognized by the doctor's products.