Industry 4.0 was proposed by Germany to build a smart industrial model in 2020, utilizing artificial intelligence and other technologies to build smart factories. Internet+ refers to the application of the Internet in various industries and the use of the Internet for various business activities. The common understanding is to use the Internet, such as Internet finance, is to use the Internet as a basis for various financial activities. Cloud computing is a kind of high-performance computing, can be said to be the development of high-performance computing the latest highest realm, synthesized a variety of other high-performance computing model, for the development of big data to provide strong support.
Big data, commonly understood as data with 5v characteristics. But there is a point to emphasize, big data not only refers to the amount of data, but also to emphasize the comprehensiveness of the data, that is to say, for a certain type of problem as comprehensive as possible data. Analyzing such comprehensive data is more likely to lead to reliable conclusions.
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