How much does it cost roughly to make a mobile loan app
This is probably the most common question: how long does it take to create the app? Or is it another variation - how many hours does it take to make a microloan app?
But while this is a common question, it's difficult and complicated. We often respond - what results do you expect? In mobile development (at least in our company), the result is not considered in terms of hours spent, but in terms of a fully functional and functional product.
The Internet is an amazing big network, big data development and software customization is also a model, here to provide a detailed quote, if you really want to do, you can come here, this hand and the beginning of the number is a wood steak in the middle of the one is a one-three-three after the Surabaya, according to the order of the combination of the can be found, I would like to say that, unless you want to do or understand this aspect of the contents of the content, if it just get together, then don't come.
It all depends on what you want - we can make a one-click microloan app in a day, or spend months developing a client - server bank microloan app. as you know, times may vary.
In fact, it is possible to complete the consideration of the subject of the article. However, if you know us, we must try to find the truth and explain everything in detail. Therefore, fasten your seatbelt and get ready for takeoff!
While almost everyone today is faced with such a phenomenon as a microfinance app, not everyone understands what is involved in its development. This misunderstanding is detrimental to the entire organization - both clients and executives. Hence, we have taken up such an important mission - to try and explain the Microloan APP development timeline as well as the entire development in simple terms.
The first problem is that sometimes the client is not aware of certain features or the complexity of the implementation of the microfinance app. He may not have a home team of specialized developers, so he decides to outsource.
And it gets worse! Since not all are well versed in the complexity of creating a microloan APP, sometimes it is difficult to explain that in any case the deadline for delivering a feature-rich microloan APP using a huge database cannot be more than 2-3 days. Especially if you need any multi-platform. Shockingly - Android and iOS require a special approach to development, and unfortunately, you can't just "move" the code.
Don't forget that microfinance app development is not just about writing code, there are many different processes.
At Gold and Success, we've divided the microfinance app creation process into several closely related stages. Each of the following points involves a number of professionals who have gained substantial knowledge of the particular field through extensive practice. We believe that the development of the product has the following sequence in full competition:
1. Initial Estimation;
2. Analysis;
3. Prototyping;
4. Design Idea;
5. Design Development;
6. Programming;
7. Testing, Quality Assurance/Quality Control;
8. .Publishing/project transfer.
On the basis of these development stages, it is clear that microfinance app development business is not very fast and very expensive in terms of time. For multi-platform Microfinance App you have to repeat steps 4-8 for each selected platform. as each mobile platform has its own characteristics and details of how to approach interface design and direct coding.
Let's take a closer look at some of the development stages mentioned above.
AnalysisIn fact, in our company this step is considered to be the biggest and the most complex one (of course, after development, our developers use special magic). We have divided it into several additional sub-phases that allow us to use the most accurate methodology to determine the appropriate goals and requirements.
First, we listen to the ideas the client wants to implement. Then we ask questions about future plans. For example, how do you plan to use the microfinance app, some questions about the target audience, whether it is needed and what kind of profit-making methods will be used.
If you want to hire a team to develop your own microfinance app, you need to answer or just consider these questions:
- What goals have you set for yourself? Are you entering the market to attract new customers to express yourself or do you want to promote your brand with new technology? - What will you sell in your microfinance app and is it free? If not - will customers be willing to pay for it;? Key points to think about -? Monetization approach. - Who is your target audience and what are the ways to engage/upgrade it? - Consider the budget - how much are you willing to spend to develop and further promote the product?
If some of the terms seem complicated, email us and we'll help you!
PrototypingEverything here is simple. At this stage, we considered the microfinance app logic and created initial screen sketches.
Specifically, development now begins, because here we determine the number of screens, propose the location of navigation buttons and status alerts, describe the behavior of objects and actions performed by the user.
As the main microloan app logic has been thinking before writing the code, it is now time to describe the way the microloan app behaves in different types of use.
CodingAfter the successful completion of the previous phases, the project will eventually become the basic magic of the project based on their experience and selected programming languages and frameworks directly to the developers. Based on approved terms of reference, of course.
We dare say that this action is also very interesting because developers create amazing things from scratch that can greatly simplify our lives or get rid of annoying conventions and automate any daily task.
Testing, QA/QCOne of the most needed steps, without which it is impossible to produce a high-quality product. In our company, the product goes through many phases of testing and quality control at different stages of development: from inception to release and beyond.
Our quality assurance specialists are looking for any type of non-compliance and possible errors meticulously, rather than giving developers the opportunity to make mistakes. At least in the next release. Just kidding.
Testing and quality control is necessary to ensure that the Microloan App meets the technical design specifications, that it has the right quality, and that it interacts with the hardware platform and users in the right way.
Demonstration and PublishingThe final stage of Microloan App development (excluding the time period of Microloan App support after publishing), which runs the lifecycle of the project, as after the Microloan App is released in the store, it may be used by your customers and target audience.
After all major stages of development and testing are completed, all features are written, all bugs are corrected, and the client is satisfied and approves the release, it usually goes away. This is the most heartwarming moment for the team developing the product - they release the offspring and always worry and care about its quality.
By writing adult articles like this, we still haven't named the average time it takes to build a microfinance app. We think it's too personal and individualized, full of the many aspects that affect the time it takes to progress and develop. But let's try to calculate a tentative timeline.
The first item in the list lasts up to 2 days on average, while the complete analysis may take up to one working week, i.e. 5 days. Paragraphs 3-5 last from 1 to a few work weeks, and programming and testing can easily take months of work depending on the complexity of the project output (e.g., a microloan app in a single screen and a single button day for the one we'll build).