If it is "51709.4*0.95/4/12", it is 1023.42. The table above is 1023.85. It depends on the cell reference inside: whether it is 51709.4 or the result calculated through a formula.
If it is the result of a formula calculation, the data after the decimal point may be hidden by setting the number of digits. Check its calculated value below.
2 hours ago Stcxj | Level 17
Looking at your supplement, your calculation is step by step (as shown in the table above), that is, in column K (K33, right?) first Calculate =0.95/4/12, and then calculate =I33*K33 in column L, instead of the one-step formula =1709.4*0.95/4/12. Like K33=0.95/4/12=1.979166667%, if you press =1.979166667%*I33, the product will be the same as the following table, 1023.42. But your K33 displays 1.98%, and "Subject to display accuracy" is checked in the tab, so it will be 1.98%*I33=1023.85.
Click the menu bar - Tools - Options - Recalculate - Workbook Options: Subject to display precision (uncheck) - OK.
This is consistent with the table below.