Beijing people in the field pop-up window 3 to lift the method is as follows:
Tools / raw materials: iPhone13, iOS15.5, WeChat 8.0.22
1, open the national government service platform
WeChat search to enter the national government service platform small program, in turn, click to open the epidemic prevention Health code service, communication big data trip card, peer close contact personnel self-check, the risk of epidemic around the registration query, the four pages screenshot saved to the phone.
2, save the health code
After entering the epidemic prevention health code service, save the screenshot as follows.
3.Save Big Data Trip Card
After entering the Communication Big Data Trip Card, save the screenshot as below.
4. Save Close Personnel Self-Check
After entering Peer Close Personnel Self-Check, save the screenshot as below.
5, save the risk area query
Enter the risk of outbreaks around the registration query, save a screenshot of the readings are as follows.
6, save the pop-up window 3
WeChat search Beijing health treasure small program to enter, save the pop-up window screenshot as follows.
7, query nucleic acid
In Beijing Health Treasure small program, then click on the nucleic acid vaccine service Changji query.
8, save the nucleic acid
Check the newest nucleic acid information, save the screenshot below.
9, click on the service
WeChat search public number Beijing 12345, click to enter the service page.
10, click on Public Opinion Direct
After the service page pops up, click on Public Opinion Direct at the bottom.
11, click on the pop-up error correction
After entering the public opinion page, click on the bottom of the pop-up error correction into the Chai Xunhong into the above screenshots uploaded to submit, wait for the review can be.