What aspect of BI are you doing specifically? Technically speaking, BI is an industry that requires understanding and even depth from the back-end to the front-end, from data warehousing to dynamic web page design. From a non-technical point of view, you must be familiar with the relationship between business and corporate strategy, analyze business data, and use statistical analysis methods to give valuable insights for decision makers. The latter also requires mastery of basic data extraction and analysis techniques, and familiarity with commonly used analytical software (e.g., spss, sas, matlab, etc., there are many, and they will not be specifically expanded here).
So, the question comes, you said the BI development engineer, sounds like a biased technical, technical requirements do not know how to understand? Are you responsible for the data warehouse project, dealt with billions of data volume of report development needs, or designed a high concurrency, high flexibility of the BI data backend architecture? Or maybe involved in developing customizable business dashboard BI web applications? If you have only done some reports using Excel, tableau, power BI and other tools, and you get the feeling of the question, then you don't understand the scope of BI very well! From the user of Job Q: Mr. Kei