The electronics used in the second generation of electronic computers were transistors, and the second generation of foreign electronic computers survived from about 1957-1964. Their software began to use process-oriented programming languages such as fortran and algol. China's first transistorized computer was made in 1967, with an operating speed of 50,000 times per second. The application of the second generation of electronic computers expanded from scientific computing to data processing, automatic control, business management and other fields.
Extended information:
The second generation of electronic computer was established in 1956. p>In 1956, the state set up the Preparatory Committee for the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and researchers began to rapidly digest and absorb computer technology. State-owned Factory 738 took eight months to complete the manufacture of the first computer.
On August 1, 1958, the computer completed four instructions, announcing the birth of the first general-purpose digital computer made by the Chinese. Although the machine initially operated at only 30 times per second, it also marked the establishment of the discipline of computing technology in China.
A little more than a year after the development of the 103 machine, the 104 machine was introduced, with a speed of 10,000 times per second, and in 1964, the first large-scale general-purpose digital computer designed entirely by China, the 119 machine, was developed, with a speed of 50,000 times per second. Subsequently, China's computer research and development continued to accelerate and upgrade, and created more firsts.
In 1973, China's first million times integrated circuit mainframe computer 150 was successfully developed. This was followed in 1983 by China's first billion-per-second computer, the Galaxy One, which brought the country into the ranks of megacomputers.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Second Generation Computer