All GM commands are stored in the database (Mangos) table (command).
To add a GM account, you need to modify the field (gmlevel) in the database (realmd) table (account) into 3
The valid value range of the field (gmlevel) is 0-3
0 = Ordinary user
1 = Junior administrator
< p>2 = Senior Administrator3 = Game Developer
Commands available to ordinary users:
.acct displays your game account permission level.
.command displays a list of commands that can be used with your account permissions.
.dismount When you are riding, this command can dismount you.
. info displays the number of all players on the server
.gmlist displays the list of GMs currently in the game.
.help displays the specified command parameters, for example: .help modify speed
.showhonor Shows your honor status.
.save Saves your character data.
.start Teleports your character to the starting area.
Commands available for junior administrators:
.announce $string Broadcast $string to all online players
.gmoff disable your character's prefix.
.gmon enable The prefix of your character.
.goname $string is sent to the player whose character name is $string. Use the character name or click the player's avatar, such as the avatar when forming a team
. gps displays the coordinates (x, y, z) of the character or creature, map number and area
.speed (the effect is the same as .modify speed....abbreviation)
.modify hp $ num modifies the health value of the selected player
.modify scale $num modifies the size of the selected player
.money modifies the money of the selected player, $num is a negative value Deduct money
.recall $place Teleport to various towns in the world, sunr,thun,cross,ogri,neth,thel,storm,iron,under
.visible $num Set GM The value of the current visual state $num is 0 or 1
.tele $string You can directly enter .tele to view all the place names that can be teleported
.saveall Save all characters in the game Information
.taxicheat $flag Enable or remove all flight routes of the player you selected $flag=1 means enable, 0 means remove
.whispers $flag Allow/disable GM accepts whispers from other players, and uses the value of mangosd.conf by default
.namego $string is sent to the player whose character name is $string. Use the character name or click the player's avatar, such as forming a team. Time avatar
.goobject $gid Send your character to the GameObject with guidID $gid that
.modify aspeed $num Change all the player's speed (running, swimming, running back ) $num value is 0 to 50
.modify speed (the effect is the same as above, but only changes the running speed)
.modify swim $num (the effect is the same as above, but only changes the swimming speed)
.modify bwalk (the effect is the same as above, but only changes the backward speed)
.modify bit $field $bit Modify the BIT value of $field of your selected character to $bit
.modify energy $num Modify the energy value of the player you selected. If no player is selected, change your own (thieves'?)
.modify faction Modify the faction of the selected creature
.modify mana $num Modifies the mana value of the selected player
.modify money $num Modifies the money of the selected player. If $num is negative, money will be deducted
.modify rage $num Modify the rage value of the selected player
.modify spell $num Modify the enchantment value of the selected player
.playsound Play the sound, only you can hear it..
.searchtele $string Search and display the place names containing $string in the place name of .tele command
Advanced administrator:
.changelevel $int Change your selection The level of the creature is $int (the level of the target monster can be changed)
.delete deletes the currently selected target creature from the world
.demorph restores the deformation effect, (cancel morph The transformation effect of the command)
.guid displays the GUID of the current target creature
.kick $name Kicks the player whose character name is $name offline from the server.
.prog teleports you to the Programmer’s Island
.name $string teleports the player named $string to your side (you can also form a team and click on their avatar)
.pinfo [$player_name] displays the account information of the currently selected player, or uses $player_name to specify the display
.addmove $guid adds your current position as the path point of the Guid=$guid creature< /p>
.addspw $cid Add a creature with ID $cid
.delobject $gid Delete the GameObject with GUID $gid
.delticket (all,$num ,$name) Delete tickets on the server, ALL (delete all), $num (delete the specified ID) $name (delete the character)
.displayid $num changes the model ID of the current target creature to $num
.factionid $num changes the current target creature's faction to $num
.gocreature $num teleports your character to the creature with GuidID $num
< p>.item $gid $num Add $num items with Guid $gid to the merchant's sale list of your choice..itemrmv $gid Remove from the merchant's sale list of your choice Item with GUID $gid
.moveobject $gid Move GameObject to the current coordinates of the character according to $gid
.npcflag $flag Set the NPCFLAG you selected to $flag
.targetobject [$gid,$part] Find and display the latest GameObject information
.ticket [on,off,$num,name] No parameters or OFF, directly displayed for GM or not displayed ticket
.turnobject $gid Set the orientation of GameObject $gid to the direction you are facing
.additem $id [$n]
.additem 0 $n $name (..han..) Add items to the backpack of your selected character...
.bank Display the detailed directory of your bank (mobile banking?)
.die kills your current target...If there is no will become suicide...
.explorecheat #flag Show or hide all exploration maps of the player you selected, If there is no target, default to yourself
.go $x $y $z $mapid Send to the specified coordinates of the map
.learn $id Learn ID=$ for the character you selected The magic of ID
.learn all can learn all the GM default magics
.learn all_lang to learn all languages
.learn all_myclass to learn all the magic of your own profession Usable magic (can only be used on yourself)
There is this post in BAIDU that introduces it very comprehensively/f?kz=461216076