Can you please help me see what the optometry list is for left and right degrees and astigmatism? Thank you!
General prescription glasses according to the doctor issued shall prevail, right eye -4.25/-1.00*180=1.0 left eye -4.25/-1.25*5=1.0; to explain it to you, the right eye is 425 degrees of myopia, astigmatism, astigmatism, astigmatism 100 degrees, astigmatism axis is 180 degrees, wear this degree of the right eye to achieve 5.0 visual acuity. The left eye is myopia 425 degrees, astigmatism 125 degrees, astigmatism axis is 5 degrees, wear this degree of the left eye can achieve 5.0 visual acuity, the pupil distance according to the second chart, you can refer to 64.5mm.