Cargo turnover refers to the cumulative number of the weight of each batch of goods actually transported by various means of transportation multiplied by its transportation distance during the reporting period. The calculation unit is ton-kilometer (sea transportation is ton-mile, 1 nautical mile = 1.852 kilometers). The calculation formula is:
Cargo turnover = actual tonnage of cargo transported × average cargo transportation distance
Cargo turnover The quantity index includes not only the number of transported objects, but also the factor of transportation distance, so it can comprehensively reflect the results of transportation production. Converted turnover volume refers to converting passenger turnover volume into cargo turnover volume according to a certain proportion, and then adding it to the cargo turnover volume to form a converted turnover indicator that includes passenger and cargo transportation. It comprehensively reflects the total turnover of passengers and goods actually completed by various means of transportation during the reporting period, and is a comprehensive output indicator for assessing the transportation industry. The calculation formula is:
Conversion turnover volume = cargo turnover volume + (passenger turnover volume The amount of manpower and material resources consumed per person kilometer. At present, the passenger and cargo conversion coefficients stipulated in our country's statistical system are 1 for railway, ocean, coastal, and inland water transportation based on the number of seats; 0.33 for inland water transportation, 0.1 for highways, 0.072 for domestic aviation, and 0.075 for international transportation based on seats.