NT$ is the New Taiwan Dollar, a currency circulating in Taiwan, whose English name is New Taiwan Dollar, but the standard code is actually TWD, which means Taiwan Dollar. 100 NT$ is equivalent to about 21 yuan at present.
List of World Currency Symbols
Currency Name Currency Symbol Currency Name Currency Symbol?
Yen ?JPY Euro EUR ?
Pound sterling ?GBP ? Deutsche Mark ?DEM?
Swiss Franc ? CHF ? FRF ? FRF ?
Canadian dollar ? CAD ? Australian dollar AUD ?
Hong Kong dollar HKD ? Austrian schilling ATS ?
Finnish mark ?FIM Belgian franc BEF ?
Irish pound ? IEP Italian Lira ITL?
Luxembourg Franc LUF ? Dutch guilder NLG?
Portugal Escudo PTE Spain Peseta ESP?
Indonesian rupiah IDR Malaysian ringgit MYR?
New Zealand dollar NZD ? Philippine Peso PHP?
Russian Ruble SUR ? Singapore Dollar SGD?
Korean Won KRW Thai Baht THB