The number of times of credit management also does not affect personal credit. Credit and loan inquiries are soft inquiries, and when soft inquiries are too frequent, they do not adversely affect personal credit. Generally only the following records can cause adverse effects on personal credit: bad credit records, a large number of approval records.
A bad credit record is a record of late borrowing, a record of payment in lieu of payment, a record of doubtful debts, etc. If the personal credit contains a credit stain, this will continue to have an adverse impact on personal credit. And the credit stains must wait for the customer to settle the overdue borrowings, after 5 years will be deleted directly. During the 5 years that it cannot be removed, the adverse impact of the credit taint will begin to decrease when the loan is paid off, but it must wait until it is removed before the adverse impact disappears completely.
Users often deal with credit business, personal credit will appear in a large number of loan approval, credit card approval inquiry records. When the inquiry record is too much, it will directly spend the personal credit. On the one hand, more inquiry records will make the financial institutions that inquire about the user again later think that the user's economic situation is not good. On the other hand, the user again for credit business, the audit will be more stringent.