But with a low Big Data score, it's probably not easy for customers to borrow an online loan, because online lending platforms usually review the customer's Big Data when approving a loan, and once they find out that the customer's Big Data is not good, they will most likely refuse to approve the loan. In this regard, customers can try a different channel, such as going to the bank or other licensed consumer financial institutions loans.
Big data, or giant data, refers to information that is so large that it cannot be captured, managed, processed, and organized in a reasonable amount of time by current mainstream software tools for the purpose of helping businesses make more positive decisions. (In Victor Mayer Sch?nberg and Kenneth Cukier's "The Age of Big Data", Big Data refers to the use of all data without using shortcuts such as randomized analysis (sampling).) The 4V characteristics of Big Data: Volume (large volume), Velocity (high speed), Variety (variety), veracity (authenticity). Big Data requires special technologies, including massively parallel processing (MPP) databases, data mining grids, distributed file systems, distributed databases, cloud computing platforms, the Internet, and scalable storage systems.