The current phpmyadmin background allows the uploading of 200M compressed databases, but my database is more than 800M and the compression exceeds 200M, so there is no way to upload it. I can only import large databases through the scheduled execution command of cpanel! How to import a large database (mysql) into cpanel space: 1. Upload your backup SQL file through FTP and put it in the root directory. I put it in /home/username 2. Enter your cPanel and find "Clock Guard" Click the Cron Jobs icon and select Normal Settings. 3. Because it only needs to be run once, fill in the specific time to be run in Minute and Hour, leaving a margin of two minutes (if the virtual host is not local, you can check the host time on FTP or upload a php file to check Time), just fill in the * sign for Day, Month, and Weekday. 4. Command fills in the command to be run, which is the import command: mysql -u username -p password [-h database host] database < /home/your cpanel username/database backup.sql Note: u and "username" There is no need to add spaces between them, and the same applies to others) 5. Check the import status in phpMyAdmin.