Most crickets are small to medium-sized, with a few large. Yellowish brown to blackish brown. The head is round, the thorax is somewhat broad, and the filamentous antennae are slender and easily broken. Chewing mouthparts. Some large jaws are developed and strong in biting fights. The fore and mid feet are similar and of the same length; the hind feet are well developed and good jumpers; the tail whiskers are long.
The hearer on the tibial segment of the forefoot is larger on the outside than on the inside. Males are songful and aggressive, and are known to kill each other.
There are articulators on the forewings of males, consisting of scrapers on the wing veins, friction veins and articulating mirrors. The forewings are raised and rubbed from side to side, thus vibrating the articulating mirror and emitting tones. Females are larger individuals with pinhole or spear-shaped ovipositor tubes exposed and small wings. Male crickets fight each other for food, consolidate their territory and possess females.