Select SUM +SUM as the total number of records, SUM (correct number), SUM (error number)?
From (?
Choose to count (1) the correct number, 0 the wrong number?
Where the status = 1.
Joint ownership?
Choose the correct number of 0 and count the number of (1) errors?
Where state =0) a
Method 2:
Select count( 1) records total number, sum (when status =1then1else 0 end) correct number, sum (when status = 0 then1else 0 end) error number from T.
1, statistical average:
SELECT AVG(column) FROM tb_name This SQL syntax is used to calculate the average number of fields of a specific numeric type. You cannot have multiple fields in AVG (). Although you can perform types such as strings, it is meaningless.
2. Sum of statistical data:
SELECT SUM(column) FROM tb_name This SQL syntax is used to calculate the sum of field values of a specific numeric type. There cannot be multiple fields in sum (), and types such as strings can be executed, but it is meaningless.
3. Statistical maximum data:
SELECT MAX(column) FROM tb_name This SQL syntax is used to calculate the maximum value of a numeric type field. Max () cannot contain multiple fields.
4. Minimum statistics:
SELECT MIN(column) FROM tb_name? SQL syntax is used to calculate the minimum value of numeric type fields, and there cannot be multiple fields in min ().