Two needles up and two needles down Starting the needle according to the single ribbing first, the first needle down, the second needle up and the third needle down each other, then there will be two needles down together, two needles up together, the latter is the same knitting
Crossed ribbed stitches
Double ribbing starting the needle method: with two threads (attention to the double threads) according to the single ribbing starting method, only half of the number of stitches can be started. The first step is to start half the number of stitches in a single rib. Because of the double thread mentioned earlier, it just so happens that each top or bottom stitch is two strands of thread, and when we knit, we will knit according to the single strand of thread into the needle, which means that each strand of thread is still one stitch. Video of double ribbed starting stitch: double ribbed starting stitch.
Lover's Knot [Shawl Scarf Knitting]
It was knit on a size 1 stick needle and started with 32 stitches. The unique thing about this stitch is that the starting stitches must be a multiple of 4, because the flower in the center of it has to be twisted 4 stitches at a time.
The exact stitch pattern is to start with two rows of lower stitches, and when you hit the third row of lower stitches, wrap the thread around the needle three more times before pulling it out. After winding, pick up all the stitches, the longer the better, at the beginning of a new row. Then, twist it and hit the next stitch.
Twist Stitch
First knit 4 flat stitches, pick out the back four stitches in the clip and put them in front, hit the four stitches on the needle, then go back and hit the four stitches on the clip, pick out 4 stitches in the clip and put them in the back, hit the back four stitches, hit the ones on the clip, and so on... Then work a few rows of flat stitches according to your needs, and work the same pattern as before. To knit with very thick thread, start 25 stitches with the normal starting method, if the thread is thin, you can consider adding a few stitches, such as adding a pattern up is to start 31 stitches, six stitches a pattern, the first stitch at the beginning of each row is not knitted, every eight rows of a twist, and the closing stitches are also used in the flat closing method.
Fishbone Needle
The first row of the second needle for the next needle, do not loose line out, in the first needle for the next needle, this time only 2 needle hit the line are loose out, and so on analogous needle. The second line to play the flat needle, the third line with the first line, and so on
lover's net
fishing net needle
unit treasure
double treasure
transit section
slant knitting
Pearl line
yuanbao needle on a very good-looking