Network Failure
From the picture above, your network settings are fine. The slow speed of the network should consider several factors, one is the local network caused by the slow one is the network caused by the operating service provider slow. The local will have to consider whether there are multiple computers connected to this router at the same time to connect to the network, if it is likely to be other computers in the large data transfer slow network, of course, there are hardware reasons. If only one computer to use then you can try to reboot the router to re-acquire a new IP address, if it still does not work then you also need to consider the Internet time period. The network is a *** enjoy bandwidth mode, if you are in the access service area there are many users at the same time using the network will have a certain impact on the network speed. Especially in the evening around seven o'clock and the weekend period of time we are generally on the Internet at this time the slow point is normal, so we have to segment the factors.