Inflation and rising domestic prices cause a decrease in exports and an increase in imports, which affects supply and demand in the foreign exchange market and leads to fluctuations in the country's exchange rate.
At the same time, the decline in the internal value of a country's currency must affect its external value, weakening the country's currency in the international market credit status, people will be due to inflation and expect the country's currency exchange rate will tend to weaken, the hands of the country's currency into other currencies, resulting in a decline in the exchange rate.
Inflation is unfavorable to those who live on a fixed monetary income. For the fixed income class, their income is a fixed amount of money that lags behind the rising price level. Their real income is reduced by inflation, and they accept that the purchase of each dollar of income falls with rising prices. And, since their monetary income does not change, their standard of living must necessarily decrease accordingly.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Inflation Rate