Specifically, Youcai question bank has five advantages that are unparalleled in other organizations, heartfelt and professional research and development, only to solve the core problems of the students, so that the students can learn easily, easy to test!
One of the most important things that you can do is to get a clearer understanding of the rules and structure of the questions, based on the 15,000+ exams collected on the basis of the IMA in the last 3 years, and the English test points.
Taking into account the actual operation of the students, in order to facilitate the students, the UCB question bank is synchronized with the computer and cell phone, so that the students can do the questions anytime and anywhere. Moreover, YouCai question bank also selects according to the test points, difficulty, question type, and the year of the real question to realize the intelligent question, so that you can pass the exam more simple!
Three, in the knowledge points, stage, wrong questions, real questions, model exams, exposition of the six special, YouCai question bank to achieve the full coverage of the test points, so that students can progressive practice, synchronized with the study, the test points of each breakthrough.
Four, grow from the past mistakes, on the way to victory, this is a key part of winning the battle. In the YouCai question bank, you can automatically record the candidates' personal mistakes, intelligently record the easy questions under the big data, form a personalized and exclusive question bank, and easily break through the personal learning difficulties.
Fifth, more than the students themselves to understand his own, UCB question bank on the ability of students to assess, intelligent scoring, each practice to generate the ability to assess the report, accurately reflect the degree of mastery of the various test points, a faithful record of the practice of the situation, the effective prediction of the pre-test and reminders.