Female drivers are! Dependable! It's a good idea!
Why? Big data tell you ......
2017 Nanjing driver annual data
In the past five years, the city's motor vehicle drivers have steadily increased by an average of 300,000 per year, and as of the end of 2017 the city*** had 3,377,300 drivers.
The proportion of female drivers has been increasing, with female drivers accounting for 31.34 percent of the total number of drivers in 2013, while by 2017 this proportion of female drivers had reached 35.03 percent.
It seems that in recent years, the proportion of female drivers has risen significantly Oh, all female drivers you learn to drive the process smoothly?
The 27-year-old driver has the most violations
For drivers, every point of traffic violation is related to their qualification to drive on the road.
In 2017*** there were 9,625 people whose driver's licenses accumulated 12 points in one point cycle, and there were 27 "newbies" who had 24 points.
The majority of these 27 people are novice drivers, and most of them are post-90s
From the analysis of the total number of traffic violations in 2017, the number of traffic violations and the age distribution of drivers have a certain correlation. Driver age from 60 years old, with the age of the decline in the total number of traffic violations but gradually increased, until the 27-year-old driver's traffic violations appeared a peak, close to 30,000 cases. Subsequently, the number of traffic violations also gradually decreased as age decreased.
Young friends, driving a little more stable
Don't be capricious Oh!
"Female drivers" are more reliable than "male drivers"
From the point of view of the number of traffic violations, the proportion of female drivers is lower than the proportion of male drivers. 2017 male drivers are 1.86 times more than female drivers. 1.86 times as many, but male drivers had 2.68 times as many offenses as females. After a weighted average, the average male driver had a 44 percent higher rate of traffic violations than female drivers.
Only 17 percent of drivers equally responsible for accidents and above in the city's traffic accidents in 2017 were women. Male drivers caused 4.94 times as many accidents as women throughout the year. After weighting the average of the two numbers, male drivers were twice as likely to cause traffic accidents as women.
While the number of men injured in traffic accidents is 1.9 times that of women, the probability of injury is basically the same, considering that the total number of male drivers is 1.86 times that of female drivers.
In short,
No more "road kill" for women drivers!
Whether it's a male driver, a female driver,
or an old driver, a new driver,
driving well is the best driver!
Source: Nanjing Traffic Police