Cool Bird Seller's Assistant is a software for sellers to provide professional sales management, help sellers solve the daily operation of the gold shopping cart grab, timed follow-up sales, inside and outside of the station mail and postcards to ask for reviews, find bad orders and real information, PPC report analysis and advertising investment wind control, advertising auto switch, advertising automatic price adjustments, advertising keyword counter-checking, off-site
2. Google TrendsGoogle Trends
Google TrendsGoogle Trends provides sellers with the number of searches for keywords in Google and the trend of change, which can help sellers better understand the overall development of the current industry form, and provide data reference for product selection. In addition to this, it also helps sellers with inventory management, as the data performance can give a rough idea of the peak and off-season times each year, and then make reasonable stocking based on previous years' sales.
3. Purple Bird Data Magic
Purple Bird Data Magic is a software that provides professional sales big data service for Amazon sellers. It can provide big data analysis services for multiple sites, including the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. to help sellers understand the data more comprehensively and specifically, and make the most appropriate decisions based on data analysis.
4. Google keyword Planner
This Amazon seller operation tools for sellers to provide the google search engine historical search data, sellers can use the tool to view the keywords in different regions of google above the number of searches occurring each month.
5. SuperBrowserSuperBrowser
SuperBrowserSuperBrowser is a focus on solving the problem of cross-border e-commerce such as Amazon and other cross-border e-commerce multi-account anti-association, Amazon, Wish, eBay and other cross-border e-commerce sellers to provide professional and safe multi-store multi-account anti-association management solution, professional technology to make the account anti-association more secure anti-association tool.
6. Google Translate
Google Translate can help sellers to translate the language of each country, for multi-site and multi-store sellers, a good translation tool can help sellers to better grasp the cutting-edge information, especially for Japan, Germany and other small-language site, the seller needs a way to put the A variety of lists.
7. Camel Camel Camel Camel
The price of each item on Amazon is constantly fluctuating, and if you can get a handle on competitors' prices, you can help price products effectively. Camel Camel Camel is a tool that can track the historical price and sales rank of all commodities
8. FBA Calculator
FBA Calculator should be the most commonly used operational tools for sellers, because it is a calculator tool that comes with Amazon, which can help sellers calculate FBA costs more easily and quickly. FBA Calculator
FBA Calculator should be the most commonly used operational tool by sellers because it is a calculator tool that comes with Amazon that helps sellers to calculate FBA cost more easily and quickly.