Why the Corporal Winks at the Word and Laughs
The reason why Corporal Wendell laughed has multiple implications. Firstly, as a junior officer, corporals may be confused or puzzled by the orders and military decisions of senior commanders. When they hear the reasoning and the reasoning behind the strategy, they may feel relieved and understand, so laughing is a way of expressing recognition and acceptance of the truth. Second, corporals may feel embarrassed and humored by the discovery of the absurdity of their previous thoughts or actions, resulting in the reaction of laughter. Finally, the corporal's laughing at the truth can also be interpreted as an ironic attitude, implying a mockery of authority and power, as well as an awareness of the absurdity and irrationality of reality. Overall, the Corporal Hearing Laughter is a multidimensional response that encompasses acceptance of the truth, reflection on oneself, and mockery of social reality.