Many friends want to know what is the direction of Huawei certification? Let’s find out together below!
What are the directions for Huawei certification?
There are many directions for Huawei certification. The more common directions are big data, enterprise communications, cloud computing, cloud data center, storage, routing and switching. , security, transmission, artificial intelligence, network unified communications, cloud services, data center infrastructure, intelligent computing, etc.
Huawei Certification Examination Fee
hcia: The examination fee for hcia is a flat price of US$200.
hcip: The exam fees for different directions are different. For example: the exam fee for the data communication direction is US$480, the exam fee for the security direction is US$480, the WLAN direction exam fee is US$600, and the exam fee for the Internet of Things direction is US$480. The fee is $300.
hcie: The examination fee consists of three aspects: written test, experiment and interview. Regardless of the direction, the application fee for the written test is US$300, but the fees for the experiment and interview are not unified. Among them, the operator The experimental and interview fees for the two directions of IP and data center facility design are US$1,200, and the experimental and exam fees for the remaining directions are all RMB 8,000.