Cultivating reading literacy has become a hot topic in education in recent years. In order to improve the reading comprehension ability of national secondary school students, the team of "AiYiNET" invited experts and scholars to formulate a book list and utilized an online assessment mode with big data to test the reading power of the students, which has successfully improved the students' performance.
Cultivating reading literacy has become a hot topic in education in recent years. To improve the reading comprehension ability of national high school students, the team of "Love to Read" invited experts and scholars to formulate book lists, and utilized the online assessment mode, with big data, to test the reading power of the students, and successfully improved the students' performance.
"Your website is down, can you repair it quickly?" The newest addition to the list is a new website, which will be available in the next few weeks.
The website, which is promoted by the Kaohsiung City *** Education Bureau in cooperation with teachers from various schools, has accumulated nearly 200,000 registrations. After reading the designated books, students can answer questions online to cultivate their interest in reading and improve their reading comprehension and reasoning skills. In recent years, the program has also been successful in improving the overall students' performance in the Chinese Language and Culture and Social Studies exams, which has not only resulted in significant growth, but also spread the seeds of reading in the hearts of the students.
Whether it's the international PISA competition or the college entrance exam, students are tested on their ability to dissect articles and read for comprehension. 2012, then Kaohsiung City Board of Education Director Tsai Ching-hua, noting the importance of cultivating a reading strategy, commissioned the then Board of Education's main secretary, Ms. Dai Shu-fen, to convene a group of experts and scholars to set up the "Love Reading Team," designing different reading promotional programs for students of different age groups. The program was designed for students of different age groups to design different reading promotion programs.
Yang Zhixiong, Director of the National High School Education Division of the Kaohsiung City Education Bureau, and his team found that teachers at the National High School often trained students in reading comprehension by asking them to write about their reading, but the results were not as good as they had hoped.
"The students hate it when they write one book."
So the team decided to ask experts, scholars, and teachers in various fields to recommend books. After a thorough screening process, they found books that were suitable for students. Then, they set up an online reading assessment website to check students' reading performance directly through the questions, and used the questions to guide students to think about the content of the text in different directions.
The book list is rich in content and graded by reading difficulty, allowing students to choose books according to their own level.
What kind of books can get students interested in reading and improve their reading comprehension skills at the same time? One of the members of the team, Ruixiang High School librarian Zheng Jiehui, explains that the team invites teachers from different fields to recommend books that fit the students' lives.
Because of the different specialties of each teacher, the recommended books are also varied. For example, the biology teacher recommended "Traveling with Darwin", the math teacher introduced "What's the Math", and even the physical education teacher liked "Magic Ball", so that the book list is no longer dominated by literary books, and students who like non-literary subjects can find their own books.
Kaohsiung's school libraries are stocked with the books on the designated list, which students can conveniently check out at their own schools.
In addition to the rich and diverse list of books, the questionnaire on the AiReading website is also an attractive challenge for students. In order to truly test the effectiveness of students' reading, the team has set up an exclusive "question bank" for each designated book, and after reading the book, students must go online to answer the questions, and only after passing will they be certified as successful.
Zheng Jiehui said, each book has about 30 questions or more, by experts and scholars, as well as through the PISA test question training teacher questions, so that the topic is more flexible. When students fill in the answers, the computer will grab ten questions from the middle of the chaos for students to answer, so each student's "exam paper" will not be the same, and the answer status can be seen more different from each other. "We want to know whether our Kaohsiung children are reading to the point, and which ones are strong and which ones are weak in reading comprehension," said Jennifer Cheng. The company's website is a great source of information about the company's products and services," said Ms. Cheng.
In order to more accurately understand the situation of the students, the team also used big data to analyze the students' answers to the questionnaire, and put each question into the code, which was calculated in the background, so that the students' reading preferences and the problems they encountered could be understood. This will allow the team to improve on students' weaknesses when selecting books or writing questions in the future.
For example, the team found that some students struggled to read English novels due to a lack of language skills, so the team began to select a large number of English picture books in the hope that the pictures and phrases would spark students' interest in reading English.
The team shared the process of selecting English picture books, and many of the stories made the members laugh, hoping that the funny stories would also spark students' interest.
In addition to online quizzes, the team also encourages teachers to discuss books with their students in class. The team also encouraged teachers to bring in students to discuss the books," said Chen Chia-ling, director of the library at Fu-Cheng High School and one of the teachers of the "Love to Read" website, adding that the website contains a brief description of each book and some topics for discussion, so that teachers can use their time to allow students to share and publish their stories. Chen Chia-ling said: "Students like to share, because listening to the opinions of others will have *** Ming, but also hear with their own new ideas are not the same.
Teachers can use the title of the book to bring students into discussion and stimulate different perspectives. In recent years, the percentage of people with a grade of "to be strengthened" in Kaohsiung's National Baccalaureate and Social Studies Examination has been decreasing year by year, and in 2017, it was even successfully lower than the national average.
The team's next step is to implement English reading in large numbers and build a comprehensive English reading question bank. We made this website in the hope of bridging the gap between urban and rural areas," Yang explained. Yang Zhixiong explained that after the merger of Kaohsiung's urban and rural areas, the English level of students in some areas still needs to be strengthened, and the team is looking forward to "", which will once again bring changes to Kaohsiung's students.
"We'd love to give kids in the mountains and on the coast a chance to read English books," said Joyce Cheng. Zheng Jiehui said that in the future, the team will also cultivate seed teachers who will go to various districts in Kaohsiung to introduce English books and conduct teaching demonstrations, "We also want to show the teacher that even if he's not an English teacher, he can still take his children to read English by following our way."
Using the power of reading, combined with big data analytics, the Kaohsiung City Department of Education, together with teachers from various fields, has succeeded in bringing reading into the lives of schoolchildren, and has also succeeded in guiding students to higher levels of achievement.