1. The format of the cited literature must be uniform, and you can usually use the format recognized by academics, such as APA, MLA, Chicago, etc..
2. For multiple documents by the same author, they need to be labeled in chronological order when cited. For example: (Liu, 2017; Liu, 2018)
3. For literature with two or three authors, the surnames of all authors can be listed at the same time when labeling in the text. e.g., (Wang, Zhang, & Li, 2015)
4. For documents with four or more authors, all authors are usually listed in the first appearance, followed by the first author's surname and "et al.", e.g., (Ma, Zhang, Li, & Wang, 2016), and then the first author's surname is listed. Wang, 2016), followed by (Ma et al., 2016)
5. For journal articles, be sure to include the name of the journal, volume, issue, and page number in the bibliography. For example, (Yang, Z., Li, L., & Hu, K. (2017). The Effects of Social Media on College Students. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 10(3), 47-53.)
6. For books, in literature labeling generally write information such as author, title, publisher, year of publication and page number, e.g. (Johnson, B. (2016). AI Revolution in Action. The MIT Press.)
In short, when writing a thesis, academic integrity is very important, and the labeling of references should be treated rigorously to ensure that the labeling is accurate.