GED stands for General Educational Development and is a test and certificate that verifies that an individual possesses high school-level academic skills in the United States or Canada.
I. Features of the GED test
1. All questions are answered by computer, except for English writing, which is a multiple-choice test.
2. Math questions require a calculator.
3, the literature to be tested in the content of the United States history, political system, world history, social knowledge, laws and regulations.
4, need a rich vocabulary.
Two, GED test content (by subject area)
1, mathematical reasoning
Test topics: basic math; geometry; basic algebra; graphs and functions.
Exam length: 115 minutes, including a 2-minute explanation and final review, and a 3-minute break between sections.?
Exam question types: multiple-choice and other question types (drag-and-drop, fill-in-the-blank, drop-down, etc.).
2. Reasoning Through Language Arts
Test topics: reading for meaning; analyzing arguments; grammar and language.
Test length: 150 minutes, including a 3-minute explanation and final review, a 10-minute break between Parts 2 and 3, and a 45-minute written essay.
Exam questions: 1 written essay; multiple choice and other question types (drag and drop, fill in the blanks, drop down, etc.).
3. Social Studies
Test topics: reading for meaning in social studies; analyzing historical events and controversies in social studies; analyzing figures and graphs used in social studies.
Test length: 70 minutes, including a 2-minute explanation and final review, with no breaks.
Exam question types: multiple choice and other question types (drag-and-drop, fill-in-the-blank, drop-down, etc.).
4. Science
Test topics: reading for meaning in science; designing and interpreting scientific experiments; analyzing figures and graphs used in scientific experiments.
Test length: 90 minutes, including a 2-minute explanation and final review, with no breaks.
Exam question types: multiple-choice and other question types (drag-and-drop, fill-in-the-blank, drop-down, etc.).