Generally ranging from 1-14 days will become green code, different circumstances yellow code have different conversion time. If the time accompanied by health code was assigned a yellow code, in accordance with the requirements of the nearest nucleic acid test institutions for nucleic acid testing, if within 3 days of the 2 nucleic acid testing, 2 nucleic acid testing interval should be more than 24 hours, the results are negative, 72 hours after the automatic conversion to green code.
For those who have become yellow code due to not attending the nucleic acid test, they will be automatically converted to green code if they attend the whole nucleic acid test as required and the result of the nucleic acid test is negative. If the code is yellow because the person has traveled to a medium- to high-risk area in the past 14 days, the code will be changed to green after the person is released from monitoring based on a history of exposure that excludes the risk and after multiple nucleic acid tests are done.
If the code is misjudged as yellow, you can submit a complaint, and after verification, the code will be restored to green within 24 hours; however, if the code does not change to green in three days after the complaint is submitted, you can contact the staff by phone to change the code.