boolen: 1 byte
int: 4 bytes
float: 4 bytes
double: 8 bytes
char: 2 bytes
byte: 1 byte
short: 2 bytes
long: 8 bytes
Extended information
Java 8 basic data types
1, the four integer types (byte, short, int, long):
byte: 8-bit, used to represent the smallest unit of data, such as the data in the file, -128~127
short: 16-bit, rarely used, -32768 ~ 32767
int: 32-bit, most commonly used, -2^31-1 ~ 2^31 ? (2.1 billion)
2, two types of floating-point numbers (float, double):
float: 32-bit, suffixed by F or f, 1 sign bit, 8 exponent bits, 23 effective mantissa.
double: 64-bit, most commonly used, suffix D or d, 1-bit sign bit, 11-bit exponent, 52-bit effective tail.
3, a character type (char): ?
char: 16-bit, integer type, 1 character enclosed in single quotes (can be a Chinese character), use Unicode code to represent characters, 0~2^16-1 (65535).?
4, a boolean type (boolean): true true and false false
Reference link: Baidu Encyclopedia JAVA