1. Loan interest rate: Understand the current level of loan interest rates, as well as the difference in interest rates between different banks, and choose the loan interest rate that suits you.
2. Loan amount: Determine the appropriate loan amount based on your own financial situation and home buying budget. Generally speaking, the higher the down payment, the smaller the loan amount, and the corresponding repayment pressure will be reduced.
3. Repayment method: Loan to buy a house needs to consider the repayment method, such as equal principal and interest repayment or equal principal repayment. According to their own situation, choose the appropriate repayment method.
4. Purchase contract: Read the purchase contract carefully to make sure it contains complete terms and conditions and protects the buyer's rights and interests.
5. Personal Credit Score: It is important to know your personal credit score, and you can obtain a personal credit big data report through a third-party big data platform to get more comprehensive credit information.
Summary: A down payment of 1.5 million dollars is enough to buy a house in Shanghai, but you need to pay attention to the loan interest rate, loan amount, repayment method and purchase contract when taking out a loan to buy a house. Meanwhile, knowing your personal credit score can help make a more informed loan decision.
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