Look at this photo, the height of the railing is up to her waist.
The General Principles of Civil Building Design GB 50352-2005
6.6.3 Protective railings shall be provided at the airside of balconies, verandahs, indoor verandahs, inner patios, roofs of people and outdoor staircases, and shall comply with the following provisions:
1 ) The railings shall be made of strong, durable materials and be able to withstand the horizontal loads specified in the load code. The horizontal load specified;
2 ) the height of the railing should not be less than 1.05m when the height of the air front is less than 24m, and the height of the railing should not be less than 1.10m when the height of the air front is 24m and more than 24m (including medium and high-rise residential);
Here, the height of the air front is not more than 24m, it should be counted as 1.05m
According to the golden section of 0.618, her height is initially estimated to be 1.05m, but the height of the railings is not less than 2.5m. Her height is initially estimated to be 1.70m
And then in accordance with the calculation of the seven-head body, the leg length is about four head length, that is to say, the leg length is estimated to be 97.14cm because of the existence of the estimation error, it should be reduced by 4~5cm. Because Jiang Yi Yi's shoes do not appear in the photo, if it is high heel, you must deduct the heel height to estimate the correct height. In addition to the lower limb length calculation starting point is a lot, there is the beginning of the high point of the greater rotor, there is also the beginning of the perineum point, if the simple calculation of the leg length, but also have to remove the part of the ankle joint below.
There are photos on the internet that you won't be able to analyze on your own, and you have a worrying IQ. The first thing you need to do is to get the photos on the Internet, and then analyze them, so that they can be used as public data.