You can check the historical forty years and predict the weather data in the next seven days through the weather data platform. such as: Xihe energy big data platform (
Query steps
Step 1: The platform for geographic location selection. You can choose any location in the world single point data can also choose the regional average data
Step 2: Confirm the data source. Historical data can choose Hsiwa number of sources, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather, NASA; forecast data can choose the German Weather Bureau
Step 3: Input the start and end time you want to query and download, you can choose the history of the 40 years and the next 7 days
Step 4: Select the desired meteorological data to download, export the hourly data in csv format, save the data visualization image, you can also choose the API interface according to the You can also select the API interface according to your needs
Step 5: If you need to query more data, you can "Search Attributes" in "More Attributes"