May be because of the login is account password input error, click forget password to change the password can be, also may be because of the network instability caused by the login, check the cell phone network is normal to login, may be because of the cell phone damage caused by, you can choose to change the cell phone to try again.
There is also the possibility that the health code is not working, so you can refresh the network to try. In addition, the code is valid for 7 days, so if it expires, you will need to report your health status again to get the code back.
For the implementation of the "external anti-importation, internal anti-proliferation" requirements, better use of the Internet + big data means to promote the prevention and control of epidemics, to strengthen the cadres and workers at all levels of institutions and organizations to assess the health risks and tracking and management of the software information system to give the red, yellow and green health two-dimensional code, and the implementation of dynamic management.
Low-risk population: refers to the data update date before the person is not exposed to the new coronavirus contamination of the environment; or the person in the last 14 days without fever, fatigue, cough, diarrhea, conjunctivitis and other symptoms. This group of people is given a green code, with which personnel can pass.
Medium-risk population: refers to other provinces in addition to the key areas to Shaanxi Province personnel; or the province's key prevention and control of small areas of personnel. This group of people endowed with the yellow code, under the supervision of their units and communities to isolate themselves at home for 14 days.
High-risk group: refers to the recent 14 days and the new crown pneumonia cases or suspected cases have close contact with the personnel; or from key areas in the province; or has appeared fever, fatigue, cough, diarrhea, conjunctivitis and other symptoms of the personnel. The crowd given the red code, I have to contact the local community health centers or CDC as soon as possible, to receive centralized isolation medical observation or under the protection of a person special car close to the fever clinic.