Want to check the meteorological data can be found in these places Oh:
1, / cn/? National Climate Center
2,? Xihe Energy Big Data Platform
4, http://www.ecmwf.int?欧洲中期天气预报中心
5, http://www.noaa.gov?美国国家海洋大气局
6, http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov? NASA Earth Observation Center
7, http://www.weather.gov?NOAA国家天气预报中心
8, http://www.emetsoc.org?欧洲气象协会
The query steps are also very simple:
Step 1: Input geographic information, either Select single point data or regional average data
Step 2: Select the data source
Step 3: Input the start and end time you want to query and download, you can select 40 years of history and the next 7 days
Step 4: Select the desired meteorological data to download, and export hourly data
Step 5: If you need to query more data, you can find it in "Search Attributes" in "More Attributes"