The first problem: you said the Baidu database damage (actually Baidu cloud servers), as long as no unavoidable accidents will not be damaged, and if it is really damaged, and as long as your data is not in the scope of the damaged servers, your data is still safe. In addition as to whether your privacy will be leaked, as long as Baidu will not be leaked and not be hacked to steal the announcement of your privacy will not be leaked, so that leakage is very difficult thing.
The second problem: the speed depends firstly on your bandwidth problem, and secondly on the network you use to upload which is provided by which one is fast.
The third problem: now basically all the mainstream network disk are mobile and pc, so just use a kind of network disk is good. There is no need to use the Internet company's network disk on the computer (such as, the cell phone with the mobile communications company's network disk (such as the Tianyi cloud disk), in fact, these two kinds of company's network disk are of a kind of nature, you think which kind of space is big speed on which kind of use.