Programming c++ online class better a few as follows:
Thousand Feng, dark horse, Danai, still Silicon Valley, power node, the old boy, the north bluebird, snail academy, the source code era, the employment of the best.
c/c++ programming application direction is as follows:
1, proficient linux operating system
so that the students can become linux is the most widely used server operating system, the main part of the course in the ubuntu environment. The main part of the course is completed under the ubuntu environment, for linuxC development engineers can also become linuxC++ development engineers.
2, proficient in windows operating system
windows is currently the most widely used personal pc users operating system, the last stage of the course in the environment to complete, so that students can also become a windowsC development engineer as well as windowsC + + + development engineer.
3, in-depth study of database technology
The training direction of the database technology contains the current mainstream oracle and mysql two kinds of content in-depth, in addition to the database architecture and SQL statements, but also in the design of the database, SQL statement optimization aspects of the great strengthening.
4, video site solutions
Course system in the arrangement of large projects in the course of the actual course, provides a video site live and recorded broadcast project overall solution and project implementation techniques, covering the transmission protocol customization, load balancing, data synchronization, hash algorithms, tracking the state of the streaming media technology.
Extended Knowledge:
C++ is a statically typed, compiled, general-purpose, case-sensitive, and irregular programming language that supports procedural, object-oriented, and generic programming.C++ is considered an intermediate language that combines features of both high-level and low-level languages.
C++ was designed and developed by BjarneStroustrup beginning in 1979 at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey.C++ further expanded and refined the C language, initially named C with classes, and later renamed C++ in 1983.C++ is a superset of C, and in fact, any legal C program is a legal C++ program.