1. The amount shown on your online loan account may include interest, late fees or other charges. Make sure you know the exact repayment amount before making sure you settle.
2. The amounts shown on credit are usually generated based on data provided by banks and other financial institutions, which may not be updated immediately. Therefore, the balance on your online loan account may be more accurate than the amount shown on your credit.
3. It is necessary to confirm whether there are any other overdue or outstanding borrowings, particularly in relation to this online loan account. If there are other outstanding borrowings, paying back just over $800 may not fully settle your debt.
In summary, before deciding whether to pay off just over $800, it's a good idea to talk to your lender and make sure you have a full understanding of the amount you're borrowing, the interest rates and fees, etc. It is very important that all debts are dealt with and settled in a timely manner in order to avoid adverse effects on your credit.
Related information: According to the People's Bank of China, the credit system is a tool for recording an individual's credit status. It integrates data from various financial institutions to help assess an individual's credit risk. The accuracy of the credit report is important for personal loans, credit card applications and other financial transactions.