1, interpretation: big brother.
2. Grammar: _の兄弟を指すことができて、同じく同じ父の異母あるいは同じ母の异父の兄弟を指すことできて、あるいは義父とその前妻あるいは_motherとその前husbandの息子、堂あるいは_brotherを指しません。 Tadashi, the meaning of "fellow-worker, fellow-employee" is not a problem.
3. Example sentence: キツネのお兄さんは食べないでください。 食べたらどうやって上がりますか? Fox big brother you do not eat me, eat me how do you go up?
Expanded InformationNear synonyms: いちばん上の兄
1、释义:Big brother.
2, Grammar: elder brother and the eldest man's koto, brother_sister's in the midst of some big きな male son's koto, some big きな elder brother's koto, since the points and the same じぐらいの年格好の男性のこことを指すが, since the points より a generation on the old man's kotoを呼ぶoccasionもある.
3. Example sentence: dear なる elder brother has been carrying the heavy load of family life since he was thirteen _から. Dear elder brother has borne the heavy load of family life since he was thirteen.