Xuchang Chenming paper now what
The company's current operating status is Surviving. The current business status of Xuchang Chenming Paper Industry Co. Ltd. is Surviving (in business, open for business, on the books), as analyzed by the Big Data of Tianyecha. Xuchang Chenming Paper Co., Ltd. was established in 2016-10-28, the legal representative is Xing Fangtong, the registered capital is 10,000,000 yuan, the unified social credit code is 91411000MA3XEMYPXF, the enterprise address is located in Xuchang City, Weidu Industrial Clustering Zone, the north side of the middle of the North Outer Ring Road, Building 1, 10th Floor, the industry is paper and paper products industry, the scope of business contains: Pulp, finished paper, paper products, packaging production and so on.