Java core fundamentals:
Java introductory syntax, flow control structure, object-oriented core, exception system, set and generic, reflection system, threading mechanism, IO flow, network programming, design patterns, JDK8-15 new features, integrated project: EMS management system / customer management system / exam Management System/Bank Management System
Key Database Technologies:
DB, DBMS, SQL understanding, common database relational system comparison and understanding, DML, DQL, DCL, DDL, data additions, deletions, modifications, management of databases and tables, DQL data query language, group query, sub query, join query, union query, etc., common functions, stored procedures and views, transactions and transaction isolation levels, triggers, indexes and optimization, through the case: Employees employee management system
Web page technology:
HTML and CSS vs. JavaScript, XML and Tomcat, HTTP protocol and Servlet, Thymeleaf, session control, Vue.js, Ajax, Filter, Listener: ServletContextListener, Throughout the project: still Silicon Valley book city
Development Essential Framework& Technology:
Spring, SpringMVC, MyBatis, SSM Integration, Maven, Linux, Redis6, SSM Integration Cases
Java High Salary Enhancement Class:
Git vs. GitHub, MySQL Advanced, Mycat, Nginx, Docker, Elasticsearch7, RabbitMQ, SpringBoot, SpringCloud, JVM/GC, JUC, Zookeeper, Dubbo
Frontier Technology&
Basic series of interview questions, open source framework source code analysis topics, high-performance architecture topics, performance optimization topics, concurrent programming topics, microservices architecture topics, the big factory interview questions real questions detailed